Shadowed Visage
Acrylic on canvas.
12 x 12 x 11/16 in. (30.5 × 30.5 × 1.8 cm)
Sold in a 13” x 13” brown wood grain floating frame.
This painting captures the mesmerizing edge of the Coalsack Nebula (Caldwell 99), a dark, inky cloud of interstellar dust in the constellation Crux, blocking out light behind it. In the heart of the cloud the artist imprinted a face. Pareidolia: the ability to see shapes in the cosmos, can you find Salvador Dali in the inky blue nebula? At its heart is a proto-planetary nebula-a reminder that even in darkness, creation stirs. A reflection of our spiritual path, from shadow to light, transformation is always unfolding in and around us.
Galatic Location: Crux Constellation
Celestial Phenomenon: Coalsack Nebula
Collection: 88 Constellations