Footless Flight
Acrylic on canvas.
8” x 8” x 11/16” (20.3 × 20.3 × 1.76 cm)
Sold in a 9” x 9” brown wood grain floating frame.
Apus is a faint constellation that represents the bird of paradise. The name "Apus" is derived from the Greek word "apous," which translates to "without feet.". The ancient Greeks, in their quest to map the heavens, saw fit to immortalize this remarkable avian in the form of the Apus constellation. As we gaze upon the Apus constellation, may it inspire us to embrace our own capacity for transformation, to let go of the constraints that hold us back, and to soar ever higher, towards the boundless possibilities that lie beyond the reach of our earthly feet.
Galatic Location: Apus Constellation
Celestial Phenomenon: IC 4499
Collection: 88 Constellations