Antila's Whirl
Acrylic on canvas.
12x 12x 11/16 in. (30.5 × 30.5 × 1.8 cm)
Sold in a 13” x 13” brown wood grain floating frame.
NGC 2997 is a bright, unbarred grand design spiral galaxy, located about 40 million light-years away in the southern constellation Antlia (the Air pump). It is the brightest member of a group of galaxies of the same name in the Local Supercluster of galaxies along with the Local Group. The galaxy contains hundreds of billions of stars and is thought to have a mass of about 100 billion times that of our Sun. The galaxy is speeding away from us at about 1085 kilometers per second. The sprawling arms are peppered with blobs of ionized hydrogen which are regions of star formation, where the bright blue stars are born that generate most of the light in the arms of the galaxy.
Galatic Location: Antilia Constellation
Celestial Phenomenon: NGC 2997 Spiral Galaxy
Collection: 88 Constellations