Stellar Nursery


Acrylic on canvas.

12 x 12 x 11/16 in. (30.5 × 30.5 × 1.8 cm)

Sold in a 13” x 13” brown wood grain floating frame.

An artistic interpretation of NASA's image of the Running Chicken Nebula, also known as IC 2944, reveals a stellar nursery in the constellation Centaurus. This breathtaking region is where stars are born, emerging from collapsing clouds of gas and dust. The nickname "Running Chicken Nebula" comes from its resemblance to a chicken in certain photographs— though this is open to interpretation. A reminder that we, too, are stardust, bringing new life to our planet as we journey endlessly through the galaxy's tide.

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Galatic Location: CentaurusConstellation

Celestial Phenomenon:  IC 2944

Collection:  88 Constellations